- The selected quick action is now also accessible via VoiceOver in the article list
- Display author in article option moved to regular settings
- Option to automatically update the article list after marking all read
- Improved grouping in article view and article list settings
- VoiceOver can now announces notifications in the app
- Options what to read for each article (VoiceOver)
- Updated show / hide sidebar icon
- Expert Setting: Article list paging size (how many articles are loaded before the load more button is shown)
- Configurable double tap gesture in article view
- Fixed an issue with sorting folders by unread count
- Improved german localisation
- Improved VoiceOver labels
- Status field after signing in to Pocket
- Fixed potential crash in the article list
- Stability Improvements
- Fixed mark all read from 3D touching a feed
- Fixed OneNote session expiration (You have to signin again)
- Fixed issue with alternate icons on (iPad)
- Improved error logging
- Improved network connection (retries individual requests if they fail)
- Fixed an issue with FreshRSS syncing stuck at pushing changes
- Fixed an issue with navigationbars no snapping correctly
- Fixed an issue with restoring the app state on relaunch