- Improvements to the about screen
- Added an error message if the login token has expired (Inoreader)
- It’s now possible to change the color theme using a url scheme fiery://changeSetting?key=colorTheme&value={theme name}
- Option to change the One Note section name (in the one note action settings)
- Excluded the cache directory from iCloud / iTunes backups
- New “Open Share Sheet” quick action
- No more hyphens in code blocks
- Better handling of network timeouts
- Error message if a custom url action results in an invalid url
- Fixed opening an article from the today widget, while an article is already open
- Today widgets now shows “no articles” instead of “no accounts” if there are no unread articles
- No longer possible to add custom url actions via url scheme, unless premium is active
- No longer keeps downloading image when leaving wifi during sync
- Fixed opening the article view from a feed in a folder (feed list)
- Fixed an issue opening some links in Fiery Feed’s web view
- Fixed an issue with the fiery://x-callback-url/subscribe url
- Fixed an issue loging in to One Note
- Fixed a scrolling issue in settings
- Workaround for invalid article links
- Privacy Policy link in settings
- Fixed Sharing to Evernote