TL/DR I’m moving everything to my primary home on the internet, You can subscribed to the new RSS feed, follow me on Twitter or – preferably – on Mastodon for any updates on my apps from now on.

The name Cocoacake came originally from Cocoa/CocoaTouch, what used to be the UI frameworks for Mac OS and iPhoneOS a long time ago. Apple has since stopped calling them that, and instead refers to them only as AppKit/UIKit, and I haven’t even started on SwiftUI yet. Safe to say the name Cocoacake feels a bit dated now.

I built this website and design back in 2012, over a decade ago, and while I honestly think it didn’t age badly, it’s probably time to give it a little glow-up, and get a fresher look for the landing pages for my apps. Back then, I felt that I should separate my “business” side from my “personal” side, just in case. But ultimately, this is never going to grow beyond just me making apps, and ten years on, I can say with certainty that I don’t want it to.

I’ve setup my new pages on, a domain I’ve owned way longer than, but never had much on it. I have shiny new landing pages, a shiny new blog, I’m cleaning up the User Guide pages for all three apps.

I’ll keep this blog up as is for the foreseeable future, but I’m no longer going to update it.