Dozzzer Design Update

I present Dozzzer 2.0. There are a lot of changes in this release, most of them under the hood, but a few are quite visible such as the completely revisited design throughout the app.

The behavior for playing in background has been changed as well. Before it kept reducing the volume until you quite the app (remove the from your recent apps that is). Now the app quits automatically as soon as you pause the music (if it’s running in background).

If you don’t already have the app you can get it here: App Store.

When you launch Reading List Sync, it will sit in your menu bar and sync your Safari Reading List with your “Read Later” folder in Instapaper every hour. It doesn’t sync the read status or the current position of texts.

After you launched the app you need to open the preferences (It’s the little ‘I’ in your menu bar), and login to Instapaper. (The preferences windows has a habit of opening behind other windows, so check there, if you don’t see it at first.)

It ignores the read/unread state in Safari. This is intentional as pages get marked as read automatically (and would be removed from the Reading List after that). This is a little confusing (especially because Safari always opens the Unread view in a new window), but is better than unintentionally removing links.

The app is free, but you need a paid Instapaper subscription for it to work.

Download App.


It’s finally done. My new app is live on the App Store. After over a month of hard work, it feels good to see your work finally out there.

Clicklytics let’s you manage your shorturls on Bitly, Google and CloudApp, but most importantly shows you nice, daily click statistics, even for CloudApp, which doesn’t offer statistics (other than total clicks) themselves.

You can find it on the App Store or you can take a look at it on it’s website.

Dozzzer: App of the week

The sleep timer app Dozzzer got featured by Apple this week as “App of the week” in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. It’s a great to get the attention and I feel honored to occupy the most prominent space in the App Store.