- Double tap article view action to trigger read later [iOS]
- Close image view with esc key [macOS]
- Shows account title in main window [macOS]
- Fixed full page screenshot with native view [iOS]
- Fixed external monitor mirroring [iOS]
- Fixed VoiceOver selection in folder selection
- Improved menubar handling [macOS]
- Fixed an issue fetching the title in read later accounts
- Closes article view after marking all read (three pane mode)
- Fixed an issue causing iCloud feed accounts keeping too many articles on the device
- Better YouTube rss link finding (channel / user pages)
- Better YouTube feed handling (now shows inline video)
- Free users are now limited to two syncing accounts
- Changed article view mode icon to an rss icon
- Translated save/subscribe extension names
- Translated pre-installed mail and url actions
- Improved Vimeo feed handling
- Improved app translations
Native Rendering
- Native view respects the “enlarge images if possible” setting
- Implemented saving/restoring reading progress for native rendering
- Displays a download button if an image was not loaded because of disabled automatic loading
- Displays a show image button where the header image would have been
- Fixed image alt text showing initially
- Fixed newlines in preformatted text
- Implemented footnote tooltips
- Support for ordered lists
- Improved link detection
- Better link tooltips