- Expert option to open links in Safari instead of Safari View
- Expert option to open articles directly in Safari
- Added “All” option to the mark read older then dialog
- Arrow keys now scroll in the article view
- Fixed a layout issue in in-app notifications
- Fixed a layout issue in the hotlinks view on iPhone X
- Statusbar no longer disappearing (if enabled) after opening a website
- Improved feedlist updating/app startup with a large number of articles (>20k)
- Fixed 3D Touch preview being dismissed on moving your finger
- Fixed app badge number not being updated in certain situations
- Switched back keyboard shortcut from esc to cmd+w since a bunch of keyboards don’t have an esc key
- No longer shows an empty screen when tapping a summary notification
- Fixed an issue where typing an R would cause a sync
- Fixed top / bottom color in scrollable footnote tooltips
- Fixed encoding issue with feed titles in the subscribe screen
- All / Unread / Starred keyboard shortcuts while
- Fixed article title being cut off in some circumstances
- Fixed HTML entities in feed title in notifications
- Fixed code block format in articles
- Slightly improved TTRSS sync speed
- Improved colors in Feedbin newsletters