- Unsubscribe from feeds (Feedbin, Minimal Reader, Feedly, Feed Wrangler, TTRSS, Inoreader, NewsBlur, AOL Reader, The Old Reader)
- Renaming Feeds (Feed Wrangler, Inoreader, NewsBlur, AOL Reader, The Old Reader, Feedly, Minimal Reader)
- Subscribing to Feeds (Feedbin, TTRSS, Minimal Reader, Feedly, Feed Wrangler, Inoreader, Newsblur, AOL Reader, The Old Reader)
- Delete Folder (Feedbin, Minimal Reader, Feedly, Inoreader, AOL Reader, The Old Reader, Feed Wrangler)
- Create Folder (Feedbin, Minimal Reader, Inoreader, AOL Reader, The Old Reader, Feedly)
- Rename Folder (Minimal Reader, Inoreader, AOL Reader, The Old Reader, Feedly, Feed Wrangler)
- Add / remove feed from folder (Feedbin, Minimal Reader, Inoreader, AOL Reader, The Old Reader, Feedly)
- Update a single feed or folder server side (TTRSS)
- Update all feeds server side (TTRSS, Fever)
- Add new link (Instapaper, Pocket, Readability)
- Article appearance settings screen is no longer fullscreen (iPhone)
- Subscribe via URL scheme fiery://subscribe/{url}
- Pull the article list up to mark all read
- Option to set username/password for additional HTTP auth (Fever, TT-RSS)
- New sidebar width option (Small, Normal, Large)
- Text alignment can now be set to right as well
- Downloads starred articles (tt-rss)
- New About Screen in settings
- New Action Extension (subscribe or add urls from anywhere)
- New Shortcut: Shift + Space to scroll up in the article view
- New Shortcuts: CMD + 1, CMD + 2, CMD +3 to change the article view mode
- New Share Selection menu item in article view
- Preview images now also appear in the today widget
- Moved Acknowledgements into the app
- Redesigned pull to refresh
- Article View Mode: “Last Selected” works now per feed
- The “Show Feed Icon” option now affects the feed list as well
- The keep starred articles option is now strictly yes or no
- Improved the article list layout
- Updated today widget for iOS 10
- Darker Launch Screen (fits better with the dark theme)
- Scrolling with keyboard shorts not reaching the end of the article
- URL actions no longer open the in app browser for http links
- Article list layout with 1 preview line