- Inline web and readability view in article view
- Added option to become a patron (in settings)
- Option to hide feed title and time
- Separate setting for the author / time text size in the article view
- Global text size presents (Small, Regular, Large, Extra Large)
- Option to display favicons on unread articles
- Tweaked the default settings for text sizes a bit
- Improved article view performance
- Improved article list scroll performance
- Simplified interface settings, moved everything else to the ‘advanced’ tab
- Combined fullscreen on scroll settings (web, article) into one
- The list of shortcuts is now also localized
- An 400 error when syncing (Feedbin)
- Not syncing on launch after restart
- Not marking articles with a published date in the future as read when marking all read
- Text Selection in Article View
- Only mark articles read on scroll if article list is visible
- Downloading all unread articles (tt-rss)
- A bug where the sidebar whould stay black after exiting fullscreen
- A crash when authentication with Pocket while offline
- Potential crashes