- Now requires iOS 9 and up
- Ability to mark all articles older than 1 month / week / day as read
- Discoverability titles for keyboard shortcuts
- Article list title size option
- Redesigned article list
- Fiery’s sharing actions are now available in the Safari webview
- Keyboard Shortcut (Space) to scroll content
- User keyboard shortcuts (up, down, enter) to navigate in accounts and groups
- Updated to a more modern network framework
- Pushing read articles to the server
- Arrow key shortcuts now work without command modifier
- Mute switch no longer mutes youtube videos
- The system sharing sheet and safari view controller are now enabled by default
- Avenir Next uses bolder fonts
- Now displays the progress while downloading articles (Pocket, Instapaper, Readability)
- Only displays error messages for the selected account
- Removed footnote popups, full width images for performance
- Slight treshold before swiping between articles
- URL and mail activities are only shown if all used elements are available
- Gives a warning if trying to sync while offline
- Cmd+w instead of esc for going back
- Alphabetical sorting is now case insensitive
- Removes html from titles and css from the summary in the article list
- The separator between a heading and content
- A problem when preview images where enabled and the number of preview lines set to zero
- 1Password login with newsblur
- A few potential crashes
- Error message when Instapaper failed to parse a site
- Long presses on links or images trigger before removing the finger (again)
- Keyboard Shortcuts now work when an article is opened from the today widget
- Changed the order of shortcuts in the overlay
- Swipe to mark as read in article list
- Keyboard not showing up for editable settings
- UI blocking while Fiery was caching articles
- Opening URL Activities from Safari View Controller
- Update article list when the sync finished (even while open)