- Option to open URL Actions in Safari View Controller
- Separate setting for the text size in the article view
- Table separator color field in themes
- Sharing an article includes the preview image if available
- New URL scheme to launch Fiery Feeds: fiery://openAccount/{account name or number}
- 3D Touch shortcuts for different accounts
- Darker table separators in contrast theme
- Full width images in the article view (if the image is large enough)
- Share custom URL actions (e.g. for other Fiery users)
- Only auto opens first article if no other article is open (iPad)
- URL Action Directory
- Swipe back to dismiss Safari View Controller
- No longer shares the article content if using the system share sheet (A lot of sharing exentions can’t handle that much text).
- Potential crash when selecting a browser
- Swiping animation when swiping left or right between articles on iOS 9.1
- Background color in preformated text in articles is now darker in dark themes
- Some images wouldn’t be cached if the app was terminated while caching
- Opens the first article automatically on iPad (instead of the second in some cases)
- Removed Protocol field from URL actions
- Correctly rotates sharing sheet when the device orientation changes
- Improved fullscreen image view performance
- It’s no longer possible swipe back while an image is displayed fullscreen
- Properly disabled editing of system URL and mail actions
- Larger maximum text size
- Problem with articles counts (Feed Wrangler)