Version 1.10.4
22. August 2017
- Opens changelog in Safari View
- Error messages are now displayed as notification banner
- Improved onboarding and premium screen
- The subscribe extension now also works when long pressing an RSS link in Safari.
- Reduced minimum preview image file size
- Properly changed Login to Safari View (Feedly)
- Fixes UI issue with load images setting
- Improved FeedHQ syncing
Version 1.10.3
3. August 2017
- Article view in web mode now opens links to the same domain inline
- Also fades feed icon, read icon and preview image for read articles in the list
- Properly changed Login to Safari View (InoReader)
- Improved condensed article list layout
- Removed all ads from free version
Version 1.10.2
5. July 2017
- Article List Problems with enabled preview images
- Slightly increased minimum preview image size
Version 1.10.1
28. June 2017
- More obvious dimming of read articles
- Option to hide article status icons in list
- Shows status icon and feed icons separately if both are enabled
- Tweaked predefined list styles
- Crash on launch for some users
- Increased preview image resolution
- Prevent tiny preview images
- Fixed only downloading 1000 starred items (Inoreader)
Version 1.10
21. June 2017
- Support for sync with FeedHQ
- You can now change the mobilizer per feed if the pages is displayed incorrectly (use the link at the bottom of the mobilized article)
- Automatic Mode for mobilizer… tries to automatically pick the best mobilizer service
- More mobilizer services available (Mercury, Graby, Goose and Boilerpipe)
- Support for Firefox as external browser
- Removed global article mode and mobilizer settings in favor of per feed settings.
- The subscribe action is now also supported in 3rd party browser apps like Chrome, Firefox and iCab.
- Fixed a problem where allow all certificates wouldn’t allow some certification.
- You can now mark all articles as read in searches (Feedbin)
- Improved inline video playback while fullscren on scroll is enabled.
- Fixed problem with toolbar in Fiery’s integrated web view.
- Fixed potential crash in Today Widget
Version 1.9.2
22. March 2017
- You can now set a minimum interval between syncs
- Option to reset cookies on opening the web view
- Option whether the article list should be updated with new articles while it’s open or not
- Always use white background for websites – some websites appear broken otherwise
- The star article action now toggles the article state on and off
- Improved error logging (Wallabag)
- Improved syncing (Fever)
- Fixed Article list text color after swipe to mark read
- Fixed a problem where not all articles were downloaded (Feed Wrangler)
- Fixed a bug, where the wrong group may be expanded (Feedly)
- Fixed a problem with pinboard settings
- Fixed a layout bug in the article list
- Fixed a bug where the today widget would display the wrong preview images
Version 1.9.1
20. Febuary 2017
- No longer shows the loading indicator while in article mode
- Width of “normal” sidebar increased – especially on the larger iPad Pro
- Disabled autocorrect in URL and mail action editor
- Fix unread count in article view off by one
- More reliable and stable article cache
- Fixed swiping on articles in the article list in quick succession
- Fixed Pinboard action tags and title options
Version 1.9
8. Feburary 2017
- Full support for bazqux (sync, subscribe, move feed, rename feed, unsubscribe, create folder, delete folder, rename folder)
- Full support for wallabag (sync, add, archive)
- Support for preview images supplied by the server (Feedly, Pocket, Wallabag)
- Preview images are now downloaded on demand, if preview images are enabled
- Autohide Sidebar has now the options always / only portrait / never
- Tapping the already selected article filter (favorites/unread/all) or article sort type (date/feed) now changes the sort order within that type from oldest first to newest first and vice versa
- Pulling up in the feed list now also marks all items read (if enabled in settings)
- The “Add To Fiery Feeds” extension is now also available within Fiery Feeds
- Advanced Settings are now split into multiple groups
- Slightly increased the favicon size in the article list
- Much improved scroll performance in the article list
- Auto Open First Article Option now actually works
- Fixed disappearing favicons in the article list
- Fixed a probleme where the statusbar would stay hidden
- Fixed article highlight in the article list
- Fixed sync status messages
- Fixed Pinboard title (null) when shared through the system share sheet
- Fixed typos
Version 1.8.8
21. January 2017
- Option if the first article should be opened automatically
- Added Video/Image/Article groups to pocket accounts
- Added Iowan font to the selection
- New URL scheme fiery://resetSettings to reset global settings to defaults
- Tweaked a few default values
- Less obtrusive colors in the status bar
- Updated App Transport Security rules
- A few tweaks to the appearance and article settings panes
- Improved performance marking multiple articles as read
- No longer removes articles after a sync from the article list while it’s open
- Removed patronage to avoid confusion with the premium subscription
- Fixed swipe to show sidebar gesture (iPad)
- Fixed missing … in long titles when only one line was displayed
- Fixed a problem updating the app badge after a background sync
- Now respects the 24h/12h time setting for voiceover as well
- Fixed problems with protocol-relative URLs
Version 1.8.7
3. January 2017
- Support for mercury text extractor
- You can look at the log file in the about screen
- Changelog, Shortcuts, Acknowledgement and other info pages now also use the theme colors
- Clearing the image cache now also clears cached webpages in the app.
- Improved handling of broken images
- Fixed a problem where images would not show up in an article
- Fixed a potential crash when marking articles below or above as read
- Fixed animation direction when using buttons to switch articles
- Fixed the appearance of preformatted blocks in articles
- Fixed layout issue with double height statusbar
- Fixed no folders showing up (Minimalreader)
- Fixed problem when the server response contained invalid characters
- Fixed problem with UTF-8 characters in the article view
- Fixed unread counter in article view
Version 1.8.6
21. Nov 2016
- Option if errors should display an alert. (Default off)
- Number of title lines is now configurablex
- Dismiss Article View On Leaving Article List option
- Improved horizontal article scrolling
- Dismisses the refresh indicator at the top of the list immediately
- Fixed a bug where the article list would not correctly update the colors after changing the theme
- Fixed a bug where headers in the article list would be displayed multiple times
- Fixed a bug where the sync status in the article list would not be updated
- Fixed error when syncing with Inoreader
- Fixed a couple of potential crashes
- Slightly improved launch time
Version 1.8.5
7. Oct 2016
- Dynamic Height option in advanced / lists
- Long press an article in the article list to quickly share it
- Added “Star Article” to the list of possible Quick Actions
- Automatically selects a theme, when newly installed
- Option to automatically hide the sidebar on opening an article
- Swipe from the side to show the sidebar if it’s hidden
- Safari View Controller uses theme colors (iOS 10)
- Changed the mark article read keyboard shortcut to cmd+m for consistency
- Split advanced settings into more sections
- Scrollbar color in dark themes
- Crash while syncing in background
- Improved caching images in background
- Fixed a problem with the separator lines in the article list
- Now displays article counts in a smaller font if necessary
- Scrolling at the very edge of the screen
- Fixed possible “Lost network connection error”
- Fixed notifications
Version 1.8.4
7. Oct 2016
- Crash when saving an image
Version 1.8.3
4. Oct 2016
- Improved title only layout
- Slightly increased contrast in light theme
- The “More” and “Mark All Read” button at the end of the list highlights in the correct color
- Monospace font in code blocks in the article view
- Authorizing message not disappearing (Feedly)
- Now displays the correct cache size once again
Version 1.8.2
18. Sept 2016
- Support for tags (Inoreader)
- Increased contrast in the dark theme
- Faster sync after editing a feed
- Improved initial login (Feedly)
- Slightly improved article list performance
- AOL Reader sync
- A few potential crashes
- Preview image aspect ratio
- Layout issues
Version 1.8.1
18. Sept 2016
- Removed Readability sync and share action, as Readability is shutting down by the end of september
- Displays the sidebar width option in the article appearance options
- Now displays the syncing status in article list as well
- Potential crash when sharing an article
- Potential crash when using keyboard shortcuts
- Black screen when using return on mark all read
- Fixed potential crash when subscribing to a feed
- Unsubscribing from feeds in smart streams (Feed Wrangler)
- Login with Evernote (sharing action)
- A few visual issues
Version 1.8
12. Sept 2016
- Unsubscribe from feeds (Feedbin, Minimal Reader, Feedly, Feed Wrangler, TTRSS, Inoreader, NewsBlur, AOL Reader, The Old Reader)
- Renaming Feeds (Feed Wrangler, Inoreader, NewsBlur, AOL Reader, The Old Reader, Feedly, Minimal Reader)
- Subscribing to Feeds (Feedbin, TTRSS, Minimal Reader, Feedly, Feed Wrangler, Inoreader, Newsblur, AOL Reader, The Old Reader)
- Delete Folder (Feedbin, Minimal Reader, Feedly, Inoreader, AOL Reader, The Old Reader, Feed Wrangler)
- Create Folder (Feedbin, Minimal Reader, Inoreader, AOL Reader, The Old Reader, Feedly)
- Rename Folder (Minimal Reader, Inoreader, AOL Reader, The Old Reader, Feedly, Feed Wrangler)
- Add / remove feed from folder (Feedbin, Minimal Reader, Inoreader, AOL Reader, The Old Reader, Feedly)
- Update a single feed or folder server side (TTRSS)
- Update all feeds server side (TTRSS, Fever)
- Add new link (Instapaper, Pocket, Readability)
- Article appearance settings screen is no longer fullscreen (iPhone)
- Subscribe via URL scheme fiery://subscribe/{url}
- Pull the article list up to mark all read
- Option to set username/password for additional HTTP auth (Fever, TT-RSS)
- New sidebar width option (Small, Normal, Large)
- Text alignment can now be set to right as well
- Downloads starred articles (tt-rss)
- New About Screen in settings
- New Action Extension (subscribe or add urls from anywhere)
- New Shortcut: Shift + Space to scroll up in the article view
- New Shortcuts: CMD + 1, CMD + 2, CMD +3 to change the article view mode
- New Share Selection menu item in article view
- Preview images now also appear in the today widget
- Moved Acknowledgements into the app
- Redesigned pull to refresh
- Article View Mode: “Last Selected” works now per feed
- The “Show Feed Icon” option now affects the feed list as well
- The keep starred articles option is now strictly yes or no
- Improved the article list layout
- Updated today widget for iOS 10
- Darker Launch Screen (fits better with the dark theme)
- Scrolling with keyboard shorts not reaching the end of the article
- URL actions no longer open the in app browser for http links
- Article list layout with 1 preview line
Version 1.7.3
27. August 2016
- Improved AOL Reader sync
- Improved Inoreader sync
- No longer opens the webpage on long pressing a link in an article
Version 1.7.2
09. August 2016
- Added Fiery Feeds’ text extractors as options in textmode (Formatted, Text)
- Added option to always display the article count
- Switched to OAuth (Inoreader)
- Displays the article date in text mode
- Adjusted colors in the black and dark theme
- Improved favicon search
- Fixed sharing to pocket with in included action
- Fixed a problem when syncing with two accounts on one ttrss server
- Fixed a problem where an article’s read status was not displayed correctly
- Fixed auto-opened article not being displayed correctly
- Caught a potential crash with readability
- Fixed opening webpages on a future OS
Version 1.7.1
16. July 2016
- Text mode settings accessible in article appearance
- Improved text mode in article view
- Removed text mode from web view
- Removed Google mobilizer
- Patronage In App Purchases
- Fixed a rare problem with the article list layout
- Article view (opened via today widget) disappearing after dismissing image view
- Crash when sharing an article (when there is a user action without name)
- Article view no longer switches to default view mode after sharing
- Auto opening first article, if no article is open (iPad)
- Layout problem in the article view
- Loading favicons (TT-RSS)
Version 1.7
7. July 2016
- Inline web and readability view in article view
- Added option to become a patron (in settings)
- Option to hide feed title and time
- Separate setting for the author / time text size in the article view
- Global text size presents (Small, Regular, Large, Extra Large)
- Option to display favicons on unread articles
- Tweaked the default settings for text sizes a bit
- Improved article view performance
- Improved article list scroll performance
- Simplified interface settings, moved everything else to the ‘advanced’ tab
- Combined fullscreen on scroll settings (web, article) into one
- The list of shortcuts is now also localized
- An 400 error when syncing (Feedbin)
- Not syncing on launch after restart
- Not marking articles with a published date in the future as read when marking all read
- Text Selection in Article View
- Only mark articles read on scroll if article list is visible
- Downloading all unread articles (tt-rss)
- A bug where the sidebar whould stay black after exiting fullscreen
- A crash when authentication with Pocket while offline
- Potential crashes
Version 1.6.3
12. Mai 2016
- Spacebar shortcut to scroll down in web view (not safari view)
- Right arrow shortcut to expand groups in the folders list
- Updated alert view design
- Voiceover with on/off switches
- Login with Pocket
- “Not connected to the internet” message on launch
- Tags in main list (Pocket, Instapaper)
- Problem where the wrong article would be displayed
- Not correctly updating the article counts while “skip article list” was enabled
- Single feeds are no longer skipped when navigating with the keyboard
- Crash when syncing with no remaining articles (Pocket)
- Potential crash when navigation with the keyboard
- Potential crash while syncing (Inoreader)
Version 1.6.2
18. April 2016
- Now requires iOS 9 and up
- Ability to mark all articles older than 1 month / week / day as read
- Discoverability titles for keyboard shortcuts
- Article list title size option
- Redesigned article list
- Fiery’s sharing actions are now available in the Safari webview
- Keyboard Shortcut (Space) to scroll content
- User keyboard shortcuts (up, down, enter) to navigate in accounts and groups
- Updated to a more modern network framework
- Pushing read articles to the server
- Arrow key shortcuts now work without command modifier
- Mute switch no longer mutes youtube videos
- The system sharing sheet and safari view controller are now enabled by default
- Avenir Next uses bolder fonts
- Now displays the progress while downloading articles (Pocket, Instapaper, Readability)
- Only displays error messages for the selected account
- Removed footnote popups, full width images for performance
- Slight treshold before swiping between articles
- URL and mail activities are only shown if all used elements are available
- Gives a warning if trying to sync while offline
- Cmd+w instead of esc for going back
- Alphabetical sorting is now case insensitive
- Removes html from titles and css from the summary in the article list
- The separator between a heading and content
- A problem when preview images where enabled and the number of preview lines set to zero
- 1Password login with newsblur
- A few potential crashes
- Error message when Instapaper failed to parse a site
- Long presses on links or images trigger before removing the finger (again)
- Keyboard Shortcuts now work when an article is opened from the today widget
- Changed the order of shortcuts in the overlay
- Swipe to mark as read in article list
- Keyboard not showing up for editable settings
- UI blocking while Fiery was caching articles
- Opening URL Activities from Safari View Controller
- Update article list when the sync finished (even while open)
Version 1.6.1
1. February 2016
- Logging when a network error happens
- A crash when opening a link in safari view controller using the sharing sheet
- Not all sharing activities showing up in the sharing sheet
- Quick share not working
- A few potential crashes
Version 1.6
28. January 2016
- Sync with Instapaper
- Sync with Readability
- Sync with Pocket
- Sync with Tiny Tiny RSS
- Updated today widget
- Performance when scrolling in the article list with preview images on
- Swiping left/right in the article list
- Combined preview images options into one
- Improved Swipe back from Safari view
- Some SSL certificates were not accepted even with the “Allow all certificates” option enabled
- A few possible crashes
- TT-RSS session expiration
- Not downloading more then 200 articles (TT-RSS)
- Redownloads all images after clearing the image cache
- Some articles with invalid links not opening correctly
- Bug where Instapaper wouldn’t download all articles
Version 1.5.3
1. December 2015
- Option to open URL Actions in Safari View Controller
- Separate setting for the text size in the article view
- Table separator color field in themes
- Sharing an article includes the preview image if available
- New URL scheme to launch Fiery Feeds: fiery://openAccount/{account name or number}
- 3D Touch shortcuts for different accounts
- Darker table separators in contrast theme
- Full width images in the article view (if the image is large enough)
- Share custom URL actions (e.g. for other Fiery users)
- Only auto opens first article if no other article is open (iPad)
- URL Action Directory
- Swipe back to dismiss Safari View Controller
- No longer shares the article content if using the system share sheet (A lot of sharing exentions can’t handle that much text).
- Potential crash when selecting a browser
- Swiping animation when swiping left or right between articles on iOS 9.1
- Background color in preformated text in articles is now darker in dark themes
- Some images wouldn’t be cached if the app was terminated while caching
- Opens the first article automatically on iPad (instead of the second in some cases)
- Removed Protocol field from URL actions
- Correctly rotates sharing sheet when the device orientation changes
- Improved fullscreen image view performance
- It’s no longer possible swipe back while an image is displayed fullscreen
- Properly disabled editing of system URL and mail actions
- Larger maximum text size
- Problem with articles counts (Feed Wrangler)
Version 1.5.2
25. October 2015
- San Francisco font
- Support for Slide Over and Split View
- Support for Safari View Controller
- Keyboard shortcuts require the command key (⌘) now
- Removed Instapaper Mobilizer
- Enabled AOL Reader login with 3rd party accounts
- Problem loading articles urls (AOL Reader)
- Article Links in email templates
- Updates the interface after marking articles as read above/below
Version 1.5.1
2. July 2015
- Long press mobilizer in web view to change service
- {article-url} and {image-url} tokens for mail and url actions
- Removed scale effect in navigation
- Updated support Twitter account
- Long tap on share icon triggers instantly
- feeds in sparks (Fever)
- sparks count on app badge (Fever)
- No longer shows feeds in sparks as ungrouped (Fever)
- cell highlight color after theme change
- dots on lists in articles
- Background refresh not updating the icon badge
- Ungrouped feeds not appearing in the main list
- Back gesture while in fullscreen (iPad)
Version 1.5
4. June 2015
- Support for Inoreader
- Support for NewsBlur
- Support for AOL Reader
- Support for The Old Reader
- {input} field to URL Actions
- Quick Sharing – Long tap the share icon to quickly send the article to a selected service
- Mark All Read Button to bottom of article list
- Inline footnotes in the article view
- Maven Pro fonts
- German translation
- Sorts articles by date within a feed (while sorting by feed)
- updating counts and lists
- Centered alert view on screen
- Automatically opens the first article (iPad)
- article title when sharing to Instapaper
- Correct image url when sharing from image viewer
- Open Login Pages (AOL Reader, Feedly) in app regardless of external browser setting
- feeds in a stream with search filter not being filtered (Feed Wrangler)
- crash when long-tapping a link
- problems in the articles list
- skip article list option on iPad
- article font size not matching the rest of the app
- No longer passes HTML content to sharing extensions
- Keep starred duration reset on save
- Bug that could cause the wrong article to open
Version 1.4.3
6. April 2015
- You can find the changelog in the settings
- Support for miniflux (via Fever API)
- Option to set an external browser (safari, chrome) as default for opening links
- You can now use {content-preview-nohtml} and {content-nohtml} in URL actions
- Added Mark Article / All Above / All Below as read actions to VoiceOver’s action rotor (article list)
- Added 2Do URL action
- Fixed a bug where the wrong article would be displayed
- Fixed voiceover in the sharing dialog
- Fixed a bug where an article’s preview text was missing
- Fixed background blur in input (Buffer sharing)
- VoiceOver: Back gesture now works in the article view
Version 1.4.2
28. January 2015
- Preview Image Size option
- Displays the feed icon on every article cell when feed title on article cell is enabled
- Support for Preview Length of 0 lines
- The keep duration for articles can now be set to forever (-1)
- Remembers open groups per account
- Greatly improved image caching performance
- Updated Empty Today Widget Look
- Improved alerts with more than 4 options
- Changed open first article automatically option to skip article list
- Sharing from web view to extensions
- Uses the title again when sharing a website from the web view
- scroll to top in article view
- opening articles from widget (Minimal Reader)
- toolbar size after switching articles in landscape (iPhone)
- not displaying preview images in landscape (iPhone 6 Plus)
- crash while caching images with a large number of articles
- No longer shares the full text to facebook and twitter
- problem when sending articles to pinboard
- a couple of potential crashes
- Displays tutorial notifications only in the app
- No longer shows sharing notifications outside the app
- Improved handling of wrong supplied text encoding (Fever)
Version 1.4.1
31. October 2014
- Support for 1Password in the web view
- Displays the progress while caching images
- Improved Favicon search
- Moved the feed title to the top (if enabled)
- Increased maximum font size
- Other minor interface improvements
- Performance improvements
- Improved background refresh
- Improved app icon (iPhone 6 Plus)
- Improved german lokalisation
- Displays the full date and time inside an article
- Applys sidebar position setting immediately
- Mark articles read on scroll: Only marks articles read while scrolling down
- New Icons for mark all above and mark all below as read
- Sorts feeds alphabetically within types (when sorting by type)
- Longer timeout when refreshing on the server (Fever)
- opening hotlinks (Fever)
- notifications and badge icon
- 1Password URL Action
- VoiceOver support
- crash on opening style options (iPhone)
- crash on opening native sharing sheet
- close button on modal web view
- sort by date (Feedly)
- scroll to top in article view
- marking more then 1000 articles read (Feedbin)
- standard sharing sheet not appearing correctly
- Facebook / Twitter not always prefilling the sharing sheet correctly
- a problem where the status would not be display in the group view
- support for iOS’s read screen function
Version 1.4
7. October 2014
- Universal App
- Support for iOS 8
- Support for iPhone 6 / 6 Plus
- Option to use the system sharing dialog
- Option to mark articles read while scrolling
- Displays helpful tips from time to time
- Today Widget
Version 1.3.4
9. September 2014
- Added a button to open the default sharing sheet (in case you’re already using a certain version of a certain OS)
- Long tap on images in the webview to bring up the detail view
- Long tap on links in the webview to bring up the sharing view
- Minor interface improvements
- Improved voiceover support
- login/logout from Evernote
- emtpy articles in article list
- problem with certain FeedWrangler passwords
- problems using {content} in custom url schemes
- not correctly unescaping certain characters when sharing an article
Version 1.3.3
7. August 2014
- Fixed crash when sorting groups alphabetically was enabled
- Improved voiceover support
Version 1.3.2
1. August 2014
- Fixed syncing bug with Feed Wrangler (please re-add Feed Wrangler accounts)
- Fixed potential crash when sharing certain urls
- Minor interface changes
Version 1.3.1
21. July 2014
- New theme selection screen
- Theme directory and additional themes
- Added Gill Sans as a font option
- Added Keep Everything and {url-no-protocol} token for URL actions
- The selected font is now used across the entire app
- The selected text size is now used across the entire app
- Text size in theme options
- Reorganized settings
- Improved Evernote Web Clipping
- Removed the white and blue theme from the app. (They can be installed from the theme directory)
Version 1.3
6. June 2014
- New, custom designed sharing sheet
- Added sound to new article notifications
- Added sharing to Appigo’s Todo, Clear, Simplenote, Stache
- Added customizable URL Actions
- Added customizable Mail Actions
- Included SendToReader sharing in-app
- Include Buffer sharing in-app
- Include OneNote sharing in-app
- You can logout from any sharing service individually
- Optionally enter a title when saving to pinboard
- Added 1Password link when adding an account
- Explicit option to display the sidebar left or right
- Minor Interface Improvements
- Minimum image size for preview images
- Changed preview length setting to lines
- Improved mark all read (Feedly)
- Removed switch mode gesture from article list
- Feedly no longer logs you in when adding a new account
- Asks for password again, if authorization has failed
- Fixed Problem when sharing to evernote
- Fixed jumping in article list
- Fixed scrolling in article list
- Fixed mark stream as read (Feed Wrangler)
Version 1.1.6
1. May 2014
- Added support for Feedja
- Fixed All Items > Sort by Sort by Feed (MnmlRdr)
Version 1.1.5
24. April 2014
- Option to clear read articles immediately
- Main list is now grouped into sections
- Option if sparks count should be displayed (Fever)
- No longer searches for images in articles if image caching is disabled
- Fixed a problem with the default values for “Keep Starred” and Image Caching
- Fixed bug where sometimes the wrong article was opened
- Fixed scroll position when returning to article list
- Fixed bug where cells could be displayed empty
- Stability improvements
Version 1.1.4
6. April 2014
- German Translation
- Article preview images
- Image caching as per account option
- Show Article Counts per account option
- Removed article cache size option
- Improved VoiceOver support
- Deselects rows in settings view correctly
- Restore statusbar after displaying an image
- Updates list correctly if sync is started from article list
- Performance improvements with 10k+ articles
- Fixed tap on statusbar to scroll to top
- Fixed Feedbin custom API endpoints
- Fixed close button in image view
- Fixed crash when sharing to evernote
- Fixed no content when sharing to evernote from web
- Fixed mark all read for a certain hotlink
Version 1.1.3
5. March 2014
- Sync status in main list
- Keyboard shortcuts (with external keyboard)
- Swipe article cell to the right to reveal more options
- Star, Share, Mark Above Read, Mark Below Read from article cell
- Option to display the feed title on every article
- Included a list of gestures and shortcuts
- Support for animated GIFs in image viewer
- Fixed keep unread (Feedly)
- Updates hotlinks links correctly (Fever)
- Fixed article text not reliably selectable
- Improved image viewer
- Improved image caching
Version 1.1.2
24. Feb 2014
- New icon
- Open website in 1Password
- Unread count in article view
- New option to keep starred articles only for a certain duration
- New Sync Sparks option (Fever)
- New color theme ‘Blue’
- Fixed problem syncing with Feed Wrangler with 1000+ items
- Fixed problem when changing an items status repeatedly on a bad connection (Feedbin)
- Scroll to top in item list
- Fixed bug where the app would not sync on launch
- Improved background sync
- Improved item list scroll performance
- Improved swipe back performance
- Improved article swipe
Version 1.1.1
7. Feb 2014
- Fixes problem with marking articles read (Fever)
- Displays notifications now correctly after each other
- No longer displays network errors while the device is offline
- Fixed embeded YouTube aspect problem
Version 1.1
29. Jan 2041
- New Icon
- Syncing with MnmlRdr
- Syncing with Feedly
- Syncing with Feed Wranger
- Improved Feedbin Sync Performance
- Improved Fever Sync Performance
- Sharing articles to Firetask
- 64 Bit support
- Option to sort main list alphabetically
- Long press refresh button to refresh on server (Fever)
- Long press refresh button to force full refresh (MnmlRdr)
- Option to allow self signed certificates (Fever, Feedbin)
- Fixed Twitter and Facebook Buttons in Settings
- Fixed webview fullscreen option
- Fixed webview content inset in fullscreen
- Fixed image view image scale after rotation
- Fixed long tap in article view
- Fixed unstarring items (Feedbin)
- Fixed swipe back lag
- Removed rate app dialog
- Fixed visual problems with in-call statusbar
- Fixed delete button on wrong cell after deleting account
- Fixed a problem with the item cell height
- Fixed a potential crash when marking items read
- Fixed a potential crash when an article’s url wasn’t set
- Properly decodes HTML entities in image alt text
- Now shows the number of currently cached articles in settings
- Tweaked required left / right swipe speed (article view)
- Fixed opening the YouTube page from embedded video
- Mailing the URL now sets the title as mail subject
- No longer shows the unread badge for sparks (Fever)
Version 1.0.5
4. Dec 2013
- It’s now possible to reorder accounts in settings
- Left / right swipe in list to change between starred/unread/all
- Option to mark links saved to pinboard as unread
- New Intense White theme
- Pinboard with tags is now an option instead of a separate sharing activity
- Removed swipe to go back starting anywhere but the screen edge. (Screen edge still works!)
- Changed brightness gesture to a three finger swipe
- Setting max articles to 0 now removes any limit
- Fixed a crash when sharing to evernote
- Fixed a problem with overly long Feedbin passwords
- Fixed the done button being disabled after editing accounts
- Fixed hotlinks order with hotness over 100°
- Fixed a problem calculating the correct zoom scales when viewing a image
- Properly updates color in hotlinks view after changing the color theme in the article view
Version 1.0.4
26. Nov 2013
- Color themes apply to the entire app
- High contrast mode
- Fixed a bug where the main list would update automatically after syncing
- Fixed a possible crash when loading favicons
- You can now disable evernote sharing in settings
Version 1.0.3
21. Nov 2013
- Shows ungrouped feeds in the main list
- Share to Pinboard with tags
- Share full article by mail
- Share to Evernote
- Redesigned hotlinks view (Fever)
- Set hotlinks start date (Fever)
- Mark all read in hotlinks (Fever)
- Mark all read in starred mode (Fever)
- Line hight option in article view
- Uses 12h format based on system settings
- Maximum number of articles to cache option
- Per Account option to keep articles unread on open
- Added Georgia as a font option
- Increased maximum interface font size
- Enabled swipe navigation in settings
- Application and account list unread badges are now configurable per account
- Two finger swipe up or down to change brightness (in article and web view)
- Removed option to display feeds in a separate
- Taping the refresh indicator in webview cancels loading
- Hides Sparks, Kindling and All group when empty
- Improved statusbar animation while navigating
- Logout from all logs out from Pocket as well
- Increased animation speeds
- A bunch of new sharing icons
- Slightly increased contrast
- Fixes multiline titles with larger font option
- Smoother fullscreen animation in webview
- Fixed refresh on server without explicit http (Fever)
- Fixed a bug preventing the app to sync successfully (Fever)
- Fixed a problem where read items would show up as read
- Fixed pocket sharing failed message
- Performance improvements
Version 1.0.2
5. Nov 2013
- Feedbin saved searches
- Option to display unread counts in accounts list
- Option to return to groups list after marking all articles as read
- Custom server URL for feedbin
- Option to enable fullscreen mode in article view
- Option to enable fullscreen mode in web view
- Option to change the text size in list views
- Reload button in web view
- Now uses up to two lines to display the title in list views
- Displays a notification instead of an alert when sharing was successful
- Fixed crash on launch with too many items
- Improved performance with a large number of articles
- Sorting now effects the order of groups (Last 6 Hours, Last Day,…) as well
- Removes empty groups immediatly
- You can now copy text from alert views
- Renamed Invert Accessory Action to Open Groups As (Feeds/Articles)
- Fixed icon badge number not updating correctly
- Automatically perpends http to server url if nessecary
- Swiping from the edge to go back now working in article view
- Correctly displays an error message if connection to a fever server fails
Version 1.0.1
17. Oct 2013
- Mobilizer in Webview (Instapaper, Readability, Google)
- Article Color Themes (Dark, Grey, White)
- Left/Right Margin Option in Article View
- Article Order (Newest First/Oldest First)
- Share to Felix (App)
- Share to Velocity (App)
- Double Tap in Groups View to hide recently read items (in unread mode)
- Bug blocking swipes in article view
- Alert View rotation bug
- List not updating when marking all as read immediatly
- Fever not correctly displaying counts for all items
- Feedbin not correctly displaying all feeds in All Feeds
- Left/Right animation in article view being slow
- Problem with non ASCII Characters in Feedbin Password